FlutterForce — #Week 28

Ümit Duran
Flutter Force
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2019


- Flutter docs about simple state management got updated

Flutter docs about simple state management got updated and now provider is the “official” package recommend by Flutter team

- GitHub’s Top 100 Most Valuable Repositories Out of 96 Million (Flutter is #22)

Here at U°OS, we ran the GitHub network through a simplified version¹ of our reputation algorithm and produced the top 100 most valuable repositories.

- A Guide to using Futures in Flutter

Long running tasks are common in mobile apps. The way this is handled in Flutter / Dart is by using a Future. A Future allows you to run work asynchronously to free up any other threads that should not be blocked. Like the UI thread.

- Flutter Provider Complete Architecture Guide for State Management

Flutter Architecture Guide using Provider for state management.

- Flutter StateManagement with Provider

Alongside the Flutter web, they also announced a new plugin for StateManagement Here how to use it in your application.So Let’s get started from Karthik Ponnam

- Cleaner Navigation in Flutter using Named Routes and Route Generation

Navigation in Flutter can be done in one of two ways. Named routes, or pushing Routes explicitly by instantiating a PageRoute and passing it to the Navigator. Pushing routes can become quite explicit and sharing logic between them becomes difficult. Logic like checking if the user is authenticated for a specific view. In this post we’ll setup a Router for Flutter and allow you to use named routes with parameters.

- (WIP) APP for my Faculty!

A simple but efficient Flutter application made for faculty

- Flutter Web: Making a Responsive Portfolio App | Part 1

In this video, you will learn how to make your responsive portfolio app using Flutter For Web

- Source Generation and Writing Your Own Package (The Boring Flutter Development Show, Ep. 23)

In this episode of the Boring Show, Filip is joined by two guests: Swav and Diego. With Swav, they show how to use source generation to make custom widgets automagically. With Diego, they tackle a CustomPainter-related feature request in Diego’s percent indicator Flutter package.

- Ian Hickson & Chris Sells | It’s All Widgets! Flutter Podcast

Ian “Hixie” Hickson is the author and maintainer of the Acid2 and Acid3 tests, the WHATWG HTML 5 specification, and the Pingback specification, and the early working draft of Web Applications 1.0. He is known as a proponent of Web standards, and has played a crucial role in the development of specifications such as CSS. Hickson was a co-editor of the CSS 2.1 specification and is one of the original co-creators of Flutter.

- Flutter: Dynamic Dark/Light Theme with Provider

Creating dynamic light and dark themes is easier than ever with the Provider pattern.

- Introducing AnimationControllerX for Flutter

When creating custom animations in Flutter at some point you get in touch with Flutter’s AnimationController that connects rendering requests with your Animatable, like tweens. For each rendered frame it computes a value between 0.0 and 1.0 depending on it’s current animation execution and passes it to your tweens. from Felix Blaschke

- Synchronising widget animations with the scroll of a PageView in Flutter

Hi Flutter lovers! Today we’re going to see how we can hook an animation with the scroll progress of a PageView in Flutter.
Have you ever needed to animate a widget according to the scroll of a
PageView? Well I did, and came up with a way of doing that, which is what I’m going to cover with this article. from Antonello Galipò

- Easy Skeleton Views in Flutter using the Shimmer Package

Any app that makes requests over a network, or basic read/write operations will be busy at some point. You always want to give the user feedback on what’s happening, or reduce the feeling of waiting, while they’re waiting. For the past few months I’ve been using the circular progress indicator as well as some custom loaders to show busy states. Today I want to show you how to render your app UI as a skeleton and using the shimmer package instead.

- MediaQuery (Flutter Widget of the Week)

Use MediaQuery to adjust your app’s UI layout based on different screen sizes. You can also use it to make UI adjustments based on user layout preferences.

- Automatic Json Serializing in Flutter Using Json Annotation

I recently wrote a post for beginner on how to parse Json in Flutter. This tutorial covers how to use json_annotation and json_serializable to generate your code for parsing and serializing your models to json.

This way is not always faster than generating your models from your json using a json to dart converter. The places I’ve seen it work better or reduce work is when you have to write custom logic around how you want to serialize and deserialize your json. Other than that it’s not very appealing if you have small models and don’t need any custom json parsing rules.

Thanks for reading!

Leave a comment below or tweet me if with any questions/suggestions, or adding resources.

