FlutterForce — #Week 72

Ümit Duran
Flutter Force
Published in
6 min readApr 12, 2020


- Covid-19 mobile app UI using Flutter

We create a nice clean #COVID-19 app #UI by using #flutter, where you can check how many people are effected and how many already died and recovered. It also showing the symptoms of COVID-19 and how you can keep yourself safe.

- How to use remote access to Codemagic virtual MacOS build machine

Now, you can establish a temporary remote connection to the virtual MacOS build machine on which your Codemagic builds run during each session. by Codemagic

- Interview with Tim Sneath — Flutter Product Manager

We talked with Tim Sneath, Google’s product manager for Flutter and Dart, about how both the language and the framework have evolved over the last two years, how they’re being used today, and where they’re headed.

- Flutter — Neumorphism Visitcard UI — Speed Coding

- sliding_sheet

A widget that can be dragged and scrolled in a single gesture and snapped to a list of extents.

- IgnorePointer (Flutter Widget of the Week)

It can be useful to prevent the user from interacting with parts of your app. When the UI changes under users’ fingers, that’s actually a pretty common and frustrating problem. You could address this problem by disabling all interactive elements in your app, one by one, or you could use IgnorePointer.

- Diaporama — A (swiping) Reddit client made in Flutter

A pretty simple Flutter app to browse Reddit with swiping gestures. You select your content source (list of subreddits) and you just have to swipe right/left to navigate between threads. Ain’t it easy ?

- Building games using Flame — Luan Nico & Renan C. Araújo | Flutter Europe

Flame is a minimalist Flutter game engine, built using a modular approach over the Flutter APIs to provide a complete set of out-of-the-way solutions for the common problems regarding game development. In this talk, we will learn a bit more about game development in general, why Flutter is a perfect fit for mobile games, how the basic concepts around game engines work and, finally, how to actually use Flame to create a simple mobile game, with some live coding.

- Create Custom App Themes

There is a lot to like about Flutter, but one area I’m sure no one loves, is taming the Material Theme system! With over 65(!) properties, some of which, like TextTheme, break out into 10 more sub-properties is enough to make you go crazy pretty quick.

- Creating an IoT based Flutter app to interact with any home electrical equipment

It always looks cool to control any electrical equipment with a mobile device remotely without even going near it.

Today, we will demonstrate how you can give any normal AC power plug, socket or switch a touch of magic using IoT. This will enable us to control any electrical equipment in our house using a mobile device, with the help of an app (of course, built with Flutter) having Bluetooth capability by Codemagic

- Flutter Networking Tutorial

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to make asynchronous network requests and handle the responses in a Flutter app connected to a REST API.

- sudoku_api

sudoku_api simplifies the generation, interaction, and management of Sudoku Puzzles.

- Flutter UI — Food Delivery App

We create a nice clean food delivery app ui by using flutter.

- Sudoku Solver in Flutter — Understanding Flutter State Management

These “series of” articles assume a basic understanding on Flutter and is NOT a tutorial (flutter documentation is really good for that), this is more of my exploration into flutter as a beginner — widgets, layouts, some design concepts, and mainly stuff about state management. by Nikhil Heda

- Announcing a free Flutter introductory course!

As we navigate through the current global crisis together, we know a lot of people are looking to develop new skills. We want to help, so we’re announcing a partnership with the App Brewery to give away a new introductory course on Flutter, offering free access to the course to those who activate it within the next three months. This course requires no prior Flutter experience, and we hope this gives you the chance to build new development skills for iOS, Android, and the web.

- Dart: Working With Google Sheets

Sometimes for some reasons we opt out to use Google Sheets as our data source. So we need to be able to write and read data programmatically, which is easily done with Google Sheets API.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to work with Google Sheets in Dart by using gsheets library. by Alexander Marenkov

- Bring Flutter to web — Rihanna Kedir | Flutter Europe

Flutter is going beyond mobile to ‘run anywhere’ and web support is now available on the beta version. In this talk, we will see how to bring your flutter code into web browsers and checkout different scenarios that benefit from the use of the Flutter for Web.

- Highly subjective Roadmap to become Flutter developer

Highly Subjective Roadmap to Flutter Development

- Reducing Flutter App Size

App size for applications is very important. There are two dimensions to it: the download size — the size of the app on play store/when downloading/when installing and the install size — this is what happens when you download the app, unpack it, compile and optimize it. This expands the application significantly and can be two, three times or even more the install size. Why should you care about these sizes? by Samuel Abada

- Understanding BuildContext

We now know that the BuildContext can be used to locate our widget and other widgets in the tree. But the question is - why should we care?

Let’s assume that we created an initial screen in which a Scaffold accepts a StatelessWidget as a body. As with the previous section, we will want to show a SnackbBar with some text. by Gonçalo Palma

- More State Management with Provider

So I hope you guys like the new name change. I wasn’t always the biggest fan of creatorbro. So I decided to really do some thinking and I came across Amateur Coder. Any amateur should be able to come on this channel and learn how to program in whatever new program. I’m not sure if I am currently accomplishing that, but my goal is to become a good enough presenter, to where that statement is true.

Thanks for reading!

Leave a comment below or tweet me if with any questions/suggestions, or adding resources.

